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Центральные банки стран мира

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Центральный банк Ливии (CBL)

The Central Bank of Libya is 100% state owned and represents the monetary authority in The Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and enjoys the status of...

0%  Ливии
Банк Литвы

The Bank of Lithuania is the central bank of the Republic of Lithuania. Its principal objective is to maintain price stability. In seeking its principal objective, the...

1,75%  Литва
Центральный банк Люксембурга (BCL)

The Banque centrale du Luxembourg (BCL) was founded by the laws of 22 April 1998 and 23 December 1998. The BCL was set up at the same time as the European Central Bank...

0,0%  Люксембург
Банк Маврикия (BOM)

Bank of Mauritius which is the Central Bank of the Republic of Mauritius. Standing at the centre of the Mauritian financial system, the Bank is committed to promoting...

4,50%  Маврикий
Центральный банк Мавритании (BCM)

The Central Bank of Mauritania is the central bank of Mauritania, in northwest Africa. The bank is located in Nouakchott. The bank was created by acts of the legislature...

0%  Мавритания
Центральный банк Мадагаскара (BCM)

The Central Bank of Madagascar is the central bank of Madagascar. The bank's mission is to, in collaboration with the general government, and in observation of the laws...

0%  Мадагаскар
Валютное управление Макао (AMCM)

The Monetary Authority of Macao is a regulatory institution established on December 20, 1999, upon the transfer of the sovereignty of Macau from Portugal to the People's...

2,25%  Макао
Национальный банк Республики Македония (NBRM)

According to the law on the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia, the National Bank shall perform the following functions: establish and conduct the monetary...

3,25%  Македония
Резервный банк Малави (RBM)

The Reserve Bank of Malawi was established under an Act of Parliament in July 1964 and started its operations in June, 1965 in Blantyre. It replaced a branch of the...

12,0%  Малави
Банк Негара Малайзия (BNM)

Established on 26 January 1959 under the Central Bank of Malaysia Act 1958 (Revised -1994). It is a statutory body wholly owned by the Government of Malaysia with the...

3,00%  Малайзия
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