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Antipodes Global Fund - Class P (0P000078K9)

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1,953 +0,002    +0,12%
28/02 - Данные с задержкой. Цена в AUD
Вид:  Фонд
Рынок:  Австралия
Эмитент:  Antipodes Partners Limited
ISIN:  AU60IOF00455 
Класс активов:  Акции
  • Рейтинг Morningstar:
  • Итого активов: 1,53B
Antipodes Global Fund - Class P 1,953 +0,002 +0,12%

Обзор 0P000078K9

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Equity World Large Blend

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Контактная информация

Адрес 11 Bressenden Place
Sydney,NSW 200
Телефон 1300 360 306
Веб-сайт antipodespartners.com


Название Заголовок Год До
Graham Hay Portfolio Manager 2022 Сейчас
Биография "Graham is a portfolio manager with coverage of hardware, industrial and commodity stocks on a global basis. Prior to joining Antipodes in 2015, Graham worked at Perennial International Equities where he was portfolio manager of the Global Shares High Alpha Trust and co-manager of the Wholesale International Share Trust. Graham was also head of research for 6 years and covered the global technology, content and communications sectors. Graham has extensive experience analysing and managing global long/short equity portfolios in a career spanning more than 20 years, including active coverage of the Japanese market. From 2007 to 2009 Graham was a portfolio manager at Merrill Lynch Strategic Investment Group in London, responsible for managing a global equity market neutral portfolio. He also held senior equity analyst and portfolio management roles at BlueCrest Capital in London (2005 – 2007) and First State Investments UK/Legal & General (1993 – 2004)."
Rameez Sadikot - 2022 Сейчас
Биография "Rameez is a portfolio manager with responsibility for quantitative systems, macroeconomics and currency. Prior to joining Antipodes in 2015 Rameez was an investment analyst at Platinum Asset Management for 7 years where he was a senior member of the quantitative and macroeconomic team. While at Platinum he led the build-out of the stock/sector screening and currency/macroeconomic frameworks and other investment team facing systems. Earlier in his career Rameez worked with the Australian Securities Exchange in a client servicing capacity. He also has extensive experience in the field of software and electrical engineering, working for Qiiss Global, the Upper Parramatta River Catchment Trust, Oriium Consulting and Zubi Consulting (founder) in both project management and development roles."
James Rodda - 2022 Сейчас
Биография "James is portfolio manager of the Europe/North America Domestic team, with coverage of consumer, domestic services, financials, technology, media and telecommunications. Prior to joining Antipodes in 2015, James was an investment analyst in the Asia team at Platinum Asset Management. From 2008 to 2013, James was a member of the ANZ Generalist Banker Program, culminating in his appointment as Head of Financial Institutions at ANZ Papua New Guinea. His diverse experience included working in Treasury, Institutional Bad Loans (Lending Services), Corporate Finance, Trade Finance, Mortgages Credit and Debt Capital Markets across Australia, Hong Kong and Papua New Guinea. Prior to this James worked in a family office as an investment analyst."
Nick Cameron - 2022 Сейчас
Биография "Nick is a portfolio manager with responsibility for researching healthcare stocks on a global basis. Prior to joining Antipodes, Nick was an investment analyst with Watermark Funds Management in Sydney where he managed a long-short global equities portfolio in the healthcare sector. Previously he worked as an investment and M&A analyst for private medical services provider Genesis Care where he focused on new business development and acquisition opportunities in the radiation oncology, cardiology and sleep medicine sectors. Nick also has experience covering the healthcare and biotechnology sectors as an equity analyst with Deutsche Bank and Credit Suisse."
Jacob Mitchell CIO 2015 Сейчас
Биография Jacob is the founder and Chief Investment Officer of Antipodes. Jacob was formerly Deputy Chief Investment Officer of Platinum Asset Management and a Portfolio Manager of the flagship Platinum International Fund. He resigned from Platinum effective December 2014 after more than 14 years at the firm during which he also served as Portfolio Manager for the Platinum Unhedged Fund (January 2007 to May 2014) and the Platinum Japan Fund (January 2008 to November 2014). Prior to joining Platinum, Jacob was Head of Technology and Emerging Industrials Research at UBS Warburg Australia. He commenced his investment career in 1994 at high conviction, value-based Australian equities manager, Tyndall Australia.
Sunny Bangia - 2015 2023
Andrew Baud Portfolio Manager 2015 2022
Биография Andrew is Deputy Portfolio Manager and Investment Analyst responsible for coverage of the global consumer sector. Prior to joining Antipodes in 2015, Andrew was an investment analyst at Platinum Asset Management for 10 years where he covered a diverse range of sectors and geographies. Most recently he was Senior Investment Analyst for North American equities after relocating to New York in 2013. In the US, Andrew covered opportunities primarily as part of the Consumer and Healthcare Team. In addition, he maintained coverage for the existing holdings generated whilst working extensively with the Asia Team and as a long-term member of the Commodities and Industrials Team. Andrew’s investment career began in 2001 when he started as an analyst with the ‘The Intelligent Investor’ publication. Andrew holds a Bachelor of Business in Economics & Finance from RMIT.
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