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Pengana Axiom International Fund (0P00007A52)

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4,033 -0,070    -1,69%
03/03 - Закрыт. Цена в AUD
Вид:  Фонд
Рынок:  Австралия
Эмитент:  Pengana Capital Group Limited
ISIN:  AU60HOW00023 
Класс активов:  Акции
  • Рейтинг Morningstar:
  • Итого активов: 396,71M
Pengana International Fund - Ethical 4,033 -0,070 -1,69%

Обзор 0P00007A52

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Equity World Large Growth

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Andrew H. Jacobson CEO 2021 Сейчас
Биография Andrew is the CEO/Chief Investment Officer at Axiom Investors and co-manages the Pengana Axiom International Ethical Fund (Both hedged and Unhedged). He has over 25 years’ experience as a portfolio manager with 23 years at Axiom. Prior to joining Axiom, Andrew was Executive VP & Portfolio Manager at Columbus Circle Investors. Before joining Columbus Circle Investors, Andrew worked as a Business Analyst at Booz Allen Hamilton. Anndrew holds an M.B.A., with distinction from The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania and A.B., Molecular Biology, cum laude from Princeton University.
Bradley Amoils Managing Director 2021 Сейчас
Биография Bradley is the Managing Director (Axiom Investors) and Portfolio Manager of the Pengana Axiom International Ethical Fund (Both hedged and Unhedged) and has over 25 years’ experience as a portfolio manager and analyst. Prior to joining Axiom, Bradley was VP and Portfolio Manager at American Century for 5 years. Before joining American Century, Bradley worked as Equity Research Analyst at Oppenheimer Funds. He holds an MBA from Columbia Business School and B.Sc., M.D. equivalent from the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
Jordan Cvetanovski - 2017 2021
Биография Jordan has more than 20-years of international investing experience and has held numerous senior portfolio management positions in Europe and Australia. Prior to establishing Pella Funds Management, he was the CIO and Portfolio Manager for the Pengana International Equities and International Ethical strategies. Before his role at Pengana, Jordan was a Partner and Portfolio Manager at Carmignac Gestion (Paris), one of the largest boutique fund managers in Europe where he managed several strategies. These funds strongly outperformed and were amongst the highest-ranking European Funds. Prior to his role in Paris, Jordan was a co-Portfolio Manager at Robecco (Netherlands), and an Investment Analyst at Platinum AM and BT (Sydney). Jordan holds a B.Engin(Hons) and B.Econ from the Australian National University.
Steven Glass - 2017 2021
Биография Steve is Portfolio Manager of the Pengana International Equities Fund and has over 13 years’ experience as a portfolio manager and equities analyst. Prior to joining Pengana, Steven spent seven years at Hunter Hall International as an investment analyst and portfolio manager. Prior to Hunter Hall Steven worked as an equities analyst at Tricom Securities and as an investment analyst at Platinum Funds Management. Steven was awarded a Co-op scholarship at the University of New South Wales, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce (Merit), majoring in Accounting & Finance, and a Masters of Commerce, majoring in Advanced Finance. He has completed the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Program and has been awarded the CFA Charter.
James McDonald - 2003 2021
Биография Prior to joining Pengana, James was Deputy Chief Investment Officer of Hunter Hall Investment Management Limited and Executive Director Hunter Hall International (UK) Limited. James relocated to Sydney in 2014 from Hunter Hall's research office in London where he had been based since 2003. His main investment focus is on the European, American and Japanese markets. He contributes to asset mix, capital allocation, team management and team selection decisions. James has 19 years of industry experience, including six years at BT Funds Management in the positions of Japanese Electronics Analyst and US Telecoms, Telecoms Equipment and Data Networking Analyst. James holds a Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Law degrees from the University of Queensland.
Simon Bridger - 2012 2017
Биография Mr Bridger has 25 years of experience in financial markets and had worked at Bain/Deutsche Bank, James Capel HSBC and ABN AMRO before joining Perpetual in 2008. At Perpetual Investments Mr Bridger was responsible for managing the Perpetual Ethical SRI Fund and the Australian Sustainability Fund, a separately run mandate. During his time at Perpetual and the Ethical SRI Fund was recognised by Mercer Consulting Group as the top performing Australian fund in the year to 30 June 2010 when it achieved a return of 38.2%. The fund was also awarded the Ethical Investor Fund of the Year award in 2010.
Yizhong Chan - 2010 2017
Биография Yizhong Chan has seven years of industry experience and is a Portfolio Manager and Analyst with a focus on international equities. Yizhong’s prior experience includes servicing rating agencies and research houses, performance analysis, and investor relations. Previously, Yizhong was a concert cellist in Germany.
Li Zhang - 2010 2017
Биография Li Zhang has been with Hunter Hall since 2010. He has 14 years of industry experience and is a Portfolio Manager and Analyst with a focus on international equities. Previously, Li worked for Smartec Capital as Investment Manager and was assistant engineer in a semiconductor devices company in Shanghai.
Jonathan Rabinovitz - 2005 2017
Биография Mr Rabinovitz has 27 years experience in the securities industry. He started his career as an equities analyst at Pembroke Securities Limited followed by analyst roles at Jardine Fleming Australia Securities Limited and UBS Warburg Limited, where he was a rated analyst for a number of years. At UBS, he moved into research/sales and later specialised in smaller companies at Credit Suisse First Boston Limited and Shaw Stockbroking Limited. Mr Rabinovitz initially joined Hunter Hall in 2004 as a Portfolio Manager and later as Group Portfolio Manager. He left the company to join Thorney Investments as an Investment Manager in 2009 and returned to Hunter Hall in June 2012. Mr Rabinovitz represented Australia in the 2009 Karate SKIF World Championships in Athens
Peter Hall - 1994 2017
Биография Mr Hall is Executive Chairman and Executive Director of Hunter Hall International Limited and Hunter Hall Global Value Limited and a Director of Hunter Hall International Ethical Fund plc, all of which are publicly listed entities. He is Chief Investment Officer of Hunter Hall Investment Management Limited and Executive Chairman and Executive Director of Hunter Hall International (UK) Limited. With regards to Hunter Hall International Limited, he is a Trustee of the Charitable Trust, a member of the Charities Committee and of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee. Mr Hall is also a Patron of the Asian Rhino Project and Sea Shepherd UK, a Director of the International Rhino Foundation and a member of the Sydney Film Festival Council. Mr Hall has 29 years experience in investment markets. Previously he was Investment Manager of Hancock & Gore Limited, Portfolio Manager and Analyst with Mercantile Mutual Holdings Limited, Industrial Analyst with Pembroke Securities Limited, Investment Analyst with New Zealand South British Insurance Limited and a journalist with John Fairfax & Sons Limited. Mr Hall completed the Harvard Business School Owner/President Management Program in 2003. Mr Hall was awarded Member (AM) of the Order of Australia in 2010 for his philanthropic contributions to society and his service to the finance management industry.
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