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Causeway International Opportunities Fund Institutional Class (CIOIX)

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17,09 +0,02    +0,12%
11/03 - Данные с задержкой. Цена в USD
Вид:  Фонд
Рынок:  США
Эмитент:  Causeway
Класс активов:  Акции
  • Рейтинг Morningstar:
  • Итого активов: 262,84M
Causeway International Opps Inst 17,09 +0,02 +0,12%


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Foreign Large Value

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Адрес 1 Freedom Valley Drive
Oaks,PA 19465
United States
Телефон +1 8669477000
Веб-сайт www.causewayfunds.com


Название Заголовок Год До
Brian Cho Portfolio Manager 2021 Сейчас
Биография Mr. Cho is a fundamental portfolio manager at Causeway. He joined the firm in September 2013 and has been a portfolio manager since January 2021. His current responsibilities include coverage of companies in the technology and communication services sectors. From 2011 to 2013, Mr. Cho was a vice president at BofA-ML Equity Research, covering the IT hardware and supply chain sector. From 2007 to 2011, he worked as an associate at Goldman Sachs Equity Research covering the same sector. From 2006 to 2007, he worked as an analyst at Morgan Stanley Equity Research covering the internet and interactive software sector. Prior to that, he worked as an analyst at PA Consulting Group in the financial services practice. Mr. Cho earned a BSc in management science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Ryan Myers - 2021 Сейчас
Биография Mr. Myers is a quantitative portfolio manager at Causeway. He joined the firm in June 2013 and has been a portfolio manager since January 2021. His responsibilities include alpha research, stock selection, and portfolio construction. From 2010 to 2012, Mr. Myers served as chief investment officer of Iron Castle Asset Management, an investment partnership focused on mid-cap U.S. equities. From 2007 to 2008, Mr. Myers worked as an analyst at Canyon Partners, where he covered the cable, media, telecom and satellite sectors. From 2005 to 2007, Mr. Myers was an associate for Oaktree Capital Management in the distressed opportunities group. Mr. Myers began his professional career in 2003 as an investment banking analyst at Goldman Sachs in the technology, media and telecom group. Mr. Myers earned a BA, magna cum laude, in economics from Harvard University, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. He earned an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business, where he was an Arjay Miller Scholar. Mr. Myers currently serves on the Board of Trustees of the Yosemite Conservancy, an organization dedicated to supporting projects and programs that preserve Yosemite National Park and enrich the visitor experience.
Steven Nguyen Credit Analyst 2019 Сейчас
Биография Steven Nguyen is a Director and Fundamental Portfolio Manager of Causeway and is responsible for investment research in the global energy, utilities and health care sectors. He joined the firm in April 2012. From 2006 to 2012, Mr. Nguyen was a Senior Credit Analyst at Bradford & Marzec covering high yield and investment grade companies in the telecommunication services, cable, media, gaming, insurance, and REIT industries. From 2003 to 2006, Mr. Nguyen was a Credit Analyst/Portfolio Manager in the corporate bond department of Allegiance Capital.
Ellen Lee Director 2015 Сейчас
Биография Ms. Lee is a director and fundamental portfolio manager at Causeway. She joined the firm in August 2007 and has been a portfolio manager since January 2015. During the summer of 2006, Ms. Lee interned at Tiger Asia. From 2001 to 2004, Ms. Lee was an associate in the mergers and acquisitions division of Credit Suisse First Boston in Seoul. From 1999 to 2000, she was an analyst in the mergers and acquisitions division of Credit Suisse First Boston in Hong Kong.
Joe Gubler Director 2014 Сейчас
Биография Joe Gubler, CFA, is a director of Causeway Capital Management LLC and performs quantitative research. He joined Causeway Capital Management LLC in April 2005. From 2002 to April 2005, Mr. Gubler worked as Director of Engineering for the MonsterTRAK division of Monster.com. He was responsible for a cross-functional team that developed, enhanced, and maintained the software that powers the monstertrak.com website. From 1999 to 2002, Mr. Gubler developed database-enabled web applications for a wide range of companies, including the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, the Recording Industry Association of America, Disney, NameSafe.com, and Array Networks. While studying astrophysics at UC San Diego, Mr. Gubler worked as a Graduate Research Assistant in the Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s stellar interferometry group. Mr. Gubler has a BS, cum laude, in Physics from UC Irvine, an MS in Physics from UC San Diego, and an MBA from the UCLA Anderson Graduate School of Management. He is a CFA charterholder.
Alessandro Valentini Director 2013 Сейчас
Биография Alessandro Valentini is a Director and fundamental portfolio manager of Causeway and is responsible for research in the global health care and financial sectors. Mr. Valentini joined the firm in July 2006 as a Research Associate and became a Portfolio Manager in 2013. During the summer of 2005, Mr. Valentini worked as a research analyst at Thornburg Investment Management. From 2000 to 2004, Mr. Valentini worked as a financial analyst at Goldman Sachs in the European Equities Research-Sales division in New York.
Conor S. Muldoon Director 2010 Сейчас
Биография Mr. Muldoon is a director and fundamental portfolio manager of Causeway and is responsible for investment research in the global financials and materials sectors. He joined the firm in August 2003 and has been a portfolio manager since September 2010. PRIOR EXPERIENCE From 1995 to June 2003, Mr. Muldoon was an investment consultant for Fidelity Investments where he served as a liaison between institutional clients and investment managers within Fidelity.
Jonathan P. Eng Director 2009 Сейчас
Биография Mr. Eng is a director and fundamental portfolio manager of Causeway and has been with the firm since July 2001. He is responsible for investment research in the global consumer discretionary, industrials and materials sectors. He has been a portfolio manager since February 2002. PRIOR EXPERIENCE From 1997 to July 2001, Mr. Eng was an equity research associate for the Hotchkis and Wiley division of Merrill Lynch Investment Managers. In 1996, Mr. Eng worked as a summer research associate for Hotchkis and Wiley, performing U.K. and European equity research.
Arjun Jayaraman Head 2009 Сейчас
Биография Arjun Jayaraman, PhD, CFA, is head of the quantitative research group at Causeway Capital Management LLC (“Causeway”). He has been a portfolio manager at the Causeway since January 2006. From 2004 to 2005, Dr. Jayaraman was a portfolio manager for quantitative strategies at PanAgora Asset Management. He was the lead portfolio manager of its non-U.S. large cap core equity portfolios and was the co-portfolio manager of its global large cap core equity portfolios. From 2000-2004, Dr. Jayaraman managed similar portfolios at Putnam Investments in addition to working closely with the teams that managed Putnam’s traditional non-U.S. strategies. Dr. Jayaraman has a BA in Economics from Columbia University, a PhD from New York University (Stern School of Business) and is a CFA charterholder
MacDuff Kuhnert Director 2009 Сейчас
Биография MacDuff Kuhnert, CFA, is a director of Causeway Capital Management LLC (“Causeway”) and performs quantitative research. He joined Causeway in July 2001. His responsibilities include product development, asset allocation, risk management, and the design and implementation of proprietary valuation models and other quantitative tools. From 1996 to July 2001, Mr. Kuhnert worked for HW-MLIM as a quantitative research associate, where he created and developed advanced quantitative models used in the international value investment process. Mr. Kuhnert has a BA in Chemistry from Dartmouth College. He is a CFA charterholder and member of the Los Angeles Society of Financial Analysts and the Los Angeles Quantitative Investment Association.
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