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Center Coast Brookfield Midstream Focus Fund Class C (CCCCX)

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4,73 +0,04    +0,85%
02/10 - Данные с задержкой. Цена в USD ( Предупреждение )
Вид:  Фонд
Рынок:  США
Эмитент:  Brookfield Investment Funds
Класс активов:  Прочие
  • Рейтинг Morningstar:
  • Итого активов: 107,51M
Center Coast MLP Focus C 4,73 +0,04 +0,85%


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Energy Limited Partnership

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Адрес Three World Financial Center, 200 Vesey Street, 10th Floor
New York,NY 10281-1010
United States
Телефон 212-549-8400
Факс 212-549-8300
Веб-сайт www.brookfieldim.com


Название Заголовок Год До
Tom Miller Director 2022 Сейчас
Биография Tom Miller is a Director on the Public Securities Group’s Infrastructure Securities team. Before focusing on his portfolio manager duties, he was responsible for covering North American infrastructure securities focusing on MLPs and the Energy Infrastructure sector.
Boran Buturovic Director, Portfolio Manager, Energy Infrastructure Securities 2021 Сейчас
Биография Boran Buturovic has 12 years of industry experience and is a Portfolio Manager on the Public Securities Group’s Energy Infrastructure Securities team. He is responsible for conducting MLP and infrastructure research and analysis. Prior to joining the firm in 2014, he was an Associate with UBS Investment Bank, focusing on midstream and MLPs. Boran started his career with Ernst & Young in their Assurance practice. Boran holds a CPA license in the state of Texas and he earned Bachelor of Business Administration and Master in Professional Accounting degrees from The University of Texas at Austin.
Joe Herman Director, Portfolio Manager, Energy Infrastructure Securities 2021 Сейчас
Биография Joe Herman has 11 years of industry experience and is a Portfolio Manager on the Public Securities Group’s Energy Infrastructure Securities team. He is responsible for conducting MLP and infrastructure research and analysis. Prior to joining the firm in 2014, he was an Equity Research Associate with Tudor, Pickering, Holt & Co., focusing on midstream and MLPs. Prior to that, he was an Investment Banking Analyst at UBS Investment Bank. Joe earned a Bachelor of Business Administration degree with majors in Business Honors and Finance and a Bachelor of Arts degree with majors in Plan II Honors and History from The University of Texas at Austin.
Jeffrey A Jorgensen Oil & gas finance Attorney 2016 2022
Биография Jeff Jorgensen has 10 years of industry experience and is a Portfolio Manager and the Director of Research on the Public Securities Group’s Energy Infrastructure Securities team. He leads the research efforts across the firm’s energy infrastructure investment products and provides recommendations on buy and sell activity. Prior to joining the firm in 2014, Jeff was an Executive Director at UBS Investment Bank in the Global Natural Resources group after working in Energy Investment Banking at Morgan Stanley and as a finance attorney at Bracewell & Giuliani LLP. As a banker and an attorney, Jeff worked with more than 50 management teams on over $40 billion of MLP and energy equity and debt offerings and $10 billion of M&A transactions. Jeff earned a Juris Doctor degree (with Honors) from The University of Texas School of Law, and a Bachelor of Arts in Economics, Managerial Studies and Sports Management from Rice University.
Robert T. Chisholm Principal & Senior Portfolio Manager 2010 2022
Биография Rob has 19 years of midstream energy logistics industry experience and has served as Senior Portfolio Manager since joining the firm during its inception in 2007. He also serves on the Investment Committee and is responsible for providing recommendations on buy and sell activity and overseeing portfolio construction and ongoing portfolio management. He was named a Principal in 2010. Previously, Rob was in Morgan Keegan’s Energy Investment Banking Division and a Senior Project Advisor at Enbridge Energy Partners, LP, where he advised on over $8 billion of mergers and acquisitions within the MLP space. Rob began his career in the energy industry at Koch Industries, Inc. where he served in various roles in their Capital Market, Hydrocarbon and Midstream group. He holds an MBA from the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas and a BBA in Finance from Texas Christian University.
Dan C. Tutcher Principal & Portfolio Manager 2010 2020
Биография Dan is a Founder, Principal and Portfolio Manager of Center Coast Capital Advisors, L.P. and a member of the Investment Committee. Since the Firm’s founding 2007, Dan has served as the Head of the Investment Committee for all Center Coast products. Previously, Dan was President of Enbridge Energy Company, Inc. and President and Director of Enbridge Energy Partners, L.P. (NYSE:EEP), which was ranked No. 335 on the 2006 Fortune 500. He was also President of Enbridge Energy Management L.L.C. (NYSE:EEQ) and group Vice President of Transportation South for Enbridge Inc. Prior to Enbridge’s acquisition of MidCoast Energy Resources, Inc. (AMEX:MRS) in May 2001, Dan founded and served as Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer of MidCoast since its formation in 1992. At the time of its merger with Enbridge, MidCoast had over 80 pipeline systems in ten states, the Gulf of Mexico, and Canada, comprising more than 4,100 miles of pipelines. He has 44+ years experience owning and operating midstream assets.
Steven W. Sansom Principal 2010 2016
Биография Steven W. Sansom, Principal Responsibilities: Serves on Investment Committee Experience Total: 23 years Experience With Firm: 7 years (Founder) 23 years of investment management experience, 13 years direct experience investing in MLPs and managing MLP separate accounts. Founder of Green Square Capital, an SEC Registered Investment Adviser Founder and Principal of G2 Advisors, LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor (Hedge Fund of Funds). Vice President, Goldman Sachs and Co. Investment Management Division. Member of the Goldman Sachs Investment Approach Committee. Merrill Lynch Capital Markets in New York in the Institutional Equity Group focused on hedge fund clients. Education: BBA in Finance from Millsaps College
Darrell L. Horn Principal 2010 2016
Биография Darrell L. Horn, Principal Responsibilities: Serves on Investment Committee Experience Total: 25 years Experience With Firm: 7 years (Founder) 25 years of investment management experience with yield oriented assets, 13 years direct experience investing in MLPs and managing MLP separate accounts. Founder of Green Square Capital, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor Founder and Principal of G2 Advisors, LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Adviser (Hedge Fund of Funds). Vice President, Goldman Sachs & Co. Fixed Income, Currency and Commodities Division. Managed SunTrust Bank Investment Management Division in Nashville, TN. Executive Vice President and head of Capital Markets for First American Bank. Education: MA in Economics from Vanderbilt University and BS degree in Finance from Mississippi State University.
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