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Credit Suisse Managed Futures Strategy Fund Class C (0P0000X2F6)

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8,280 -0,020    -0,24%
02/10 - Данные с задержкой. Цена в USD ( Предупреждение )
Вид:  Фонд
Рынок:  США
Эмитент:  Credit Suisse (New York, NY)
Класс активов:  Прочие
  • Рейтинг Morningstar:
  • Итого активов: 19,58K
Credit Suisse Managed Futures Strategy Fund Class 8,280 -0,020 -0,24%

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Managed Futures

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Название Заголовок Год До
Yung-Shin Kung Director 2015 Сейчас
Биография Yung-Shin Kung, Director, is a member of the Alternative Funds Solutions (AFS) group within Credit Suisse Asset Management and a voting member of the AFS Investment Committee. He serves as Head of Portfolio Management - Americas and Global Head of Relative Value research for AFS. In addition, he is Head and CIO of Credit Suisse's Quantitative Investment Strategies group (QIS), an industry pioneer in the development and management of liquid alternative investment portfolios. Mr. Kung rejoined Credit Suisse in 2009 after spending three years at Merrill Lynch as a Director in the Financial Products Group, where he developed and marketed customized structured products and provided advice and guidance to hedge fund investors. Prior to his time at Merrill Lynch, Mr. Kung spent eight years at Credit Suisse First Boston working in several departments including structured debt capital markets, technology investment banking and alternative investments. Mr. Kung began his career at Credit Suisse First Boston in 1997. Mr. Kung holds a B.A. in Economics from the University of Chicago, where he was elected Phi Beta Kappa, and fulfilled the college's requirements for a B.A. in Statistics.
Sheel Dhande Vice President 2012 2021
Биография Mr. Dhande is a Portfolio Manager for QIS. He joined Credit Suisse in 2008. Prior to joining Credit Suisse, Mr. Dhande worked in the Quantitative Portfolio Strategies group in the Fixed Income division at Lehman Brothers where he worked on creating liquid investment strategies that replicate Fixed Income indices and as a trader on the Fixed Income Index swaps desk. Mr. Dhande earned his bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Pune and a master's from the MIT Media Lab where his area of research was artificial intelligence.
Mark Nodelman Head 2014 2015
Биография Mark Nodelman, CFA, is Head of Trading Strategy Development for Credit Suisse's Alternative Liquid Trading Strategies (ALTS)TM group. He joined Credit Suisse in 2014. Previously, Mr. Nodelman was a Managing Director of Highbridge Capital Management and a Portfolio Manager for the Global Macro Group. He is responsible for portfolio management duties and commodities and global macro research. He joined HCM in May 2008 from Goldman Sachs, where he spent nine years as a researcher and a Portfolio Manager in the Quantitative Investment Strategies Group. At Goldman Sachs, Mr. Nodelman co-managed the team’s commodities effort, developing relative value, timing and event driven systematic strategies to trade commodities futures, swaps and options. Mr. Nodelman also launched and managed several quantitative commodities vehicles, including Goldman Sachs Commodities Funds and Goldman Sachs Quantitative Commodities Master Fund. Additionally, Mr. Nodelman was responsible for deploying these strategies and other global macro quantitative strategies within several of the firm’s global macro hedge funds, including Global Alpha (over $10 billion in assets under management). Mr. Nodelman holds a B.S. in Economics from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and an M.B.A. from New York University.
Sid Browne Portfolio Manager 2014 2015
Биография Dr. Browne is Head of Research for Credit Suisse's Alternative Liquid Trading Strategies (ALTS)TM group. Previously, Dr. Browne sat on the board of AQR Capital Management and held positions at Brevan Howard US Asset Management and Goldman Sachs. Dr. Browne was the Global Head of Quantitative and Systematic Strategies and Chief Investment Officer at Brevan Howard US Asset Management from 2006 to 2009. Previous to that, Dr. Browne served as the Head of Quantitative Strategies, Research and Risk for Goldman Sachs Asset Management's Alternative Investments and Hedge Fund Strategies Group. Prior to that, Dr. Browne headed the Quantitative Strategy group within Goldman Sachs' Firmwide Risk Management Group. Previous to that, Dr. Browne was a tenured full professor at Columbia Graduate School of Business. He has authored numerous academic papers on analytical and quantitative approaches to asset allocation, portfolio construction and drawdown control methodologies and holds four patents in volatility and risk models and methods (assigned to Goldman Sachs). Dr. Brown holds a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from New York University.
Jonathon Sheridan Portfolio Manager 2014 2015
Биография Mr. Sheridan, Director, is head of Strategic Trading for Credit Suisse’s Alternative Liquid Trading Strategies (ALTS)TM group Mr. Sheridan joined Credit Suisse in 2013 after 16 years at Goldman Sachs & Co. where he most recently was the Head of the Financial Solutions Group, a portfolio management and trading business within the Investment Management Division. In this role, Mr. Sheridan was the lead portfolio manager for the Absolute Return Tracker Fund along with other commingled and separate account mandates implementing systematic and passive strategies. Previously, Mr. Sheridan headed Global Trading for the Goldman Sachs Quantitative Investment Strategies Group which included the $12bn Global Alpha Fund. Mr. Sheridan received his B.B.A. in Finance and Banking from Hofstra University and an M.B.A. from NYU, Stern School of Business.
Jordan Drachman Director 2012 2014
Биография Dr. Jordan Drachman, Director, is head of research of the Alternative Beta Strategies group. Dr. Drachman joined Credit Suisse Group AG in 2007 from Banc of America Securities where he developed options strategies and other mathematical models for the Equity Financial Products Group. Prior to this, Dr. Drachman was a Quantitative Researcher for Jemmco Capital where he led a team that produced statistical models and trading strategies. Dr. Drachman has also worked at J.P. Morgan & Co. in the Quantitative Trading Group and the Corporate Risk Management Group where he developed trading models and risk management techniques. Dr. Drachman received a B.S. in Mathematics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Ph.D. from Stanford University.
Alexander De Feo Vice President 2012 2013
Биография Alexander De Feo, Vice President, is a Portfolio Manager for the Alternative Beta Strategies group within the Liquid Alternatives group. Mr. De Feo joined Credit Suisse in 2007 and is responsible for managing Alternative Beta portfolios and developing trading strategies within the research team. Mr. De Feo launched his investment professional career at Bank of America in 2003 where he was responsible for allocation and hedge fund research in the Fund of Hedge Funds Group. Mr. De Feo earned a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley.
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