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Morningstar Aggressive Growth Etf Asset Allocation Portfolio Class I (0P0000853L)

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15,740 -0,170    -1,07%
03/03 - Данные с задержкой. Цена в USD
Вид:  Фонд
Рынок:  США
Эмитент:  ALPS
Класс активов:  Акции
  • Рейтинг Morningstar:
  • Итого активов: 141,39M
Morningstar Aggressive Growth ETF Asset Allocation 15,740 -0,170 -1,07%

Обзор 0P0000853L

На этой странице представлен подробный профиль Morningstar Aggressive Growth Etf Asset Allocation Portfolio Class I. Узнайте о руководителях, совокупных активах, стратегии инвестиций и контактной информации 0P0000853L, а также получите ряд других сведений.

Allocation--85%+ Equity

Итого активов




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Denver,CO 80203
United States
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Веб-сайт www.alpsfunds.com


Название Заголовок Год До
Steve Tagarov Senior Investment Analyst 2019 Сейчас
Биография Steve Tagarov, CFA, Senior Investment Analyst: Mr. Tagarov joined Morningstar Investment Management in 2015. His responsibilities include supporting Target Risk Strategies, conducting manager research, manager due diligence, and he is a member of the Global Sectors team. Mr. Tagarov started his investment career since 2006. Prior to joining Morningstar Investment Management, Mr. Tagarov was a Senior Investment Consultant at Aon Hewitt Investment Consulting. Mr. Tagarov is a chartered financial analyst, he holds a bachelor’s degree from Augustana College and he’s currently an MBA candidate at the University of Chicago Booth school of business.
Jared Watts Portfolio Manager 2007 Сейчас
Биография Jared Watts, Portfolio Manager. Mr. Watts joined Morningstar Investment Management in 2006. His responsibilities include the management of fund-of-funds clients across multiple financial intermediary segments. Mr. Watts helps develop and manage multiple asset allocation solutions and strategies. In addition to conducting fund research, Mr. Watts helps lead the research and implementation efforts on exchange-traded products for Morningstar’s Investment Management group. Prior to joining Morningstar, Mr. Watts was an Investment Manager at Allstate Financial, where he helped manage fund relationships, asset allocation efforts, and investment product research. Prior to Allstate, Mr. Watts was at A.G. Edwards, where he conducted mutual fund and stock research. Mr. Watts holds a bachelor’s degree in finance from Southern Illinois University and a master’s degree in business administration, with honors, from Saint Xavier University, Graham School of Management with concentrations in portfolio management and financial analysis.
Andrew Lill - 2019 2020
Биография Andrew joined Morningstar Investment Management Australia Limited in January 2014. He is responsible for leading the Morningstar Investments team in Australia and developing Morningstar Investment Management’s investment capabilities and thought leadership profile in the Asia Pacific region. Andrew chairs the Asia Pacific Investment Policy Committee, and the Manager and Security Selection Sub-Committee. He is also a member of the Asset Allocation Sub-Committee and Portfolio Construction Sub-Committee. Andrew has over 23 years’ experience in advising and managing Institutional Funds and Investment teams in Australia, Asia, and the United Kingdom. He worked most recently at AMP Capital Investors as Head of Investment Solutions in the Multi-Asset Group, and before that, Head of Investment Specialists, Listed Assets. He is passionate about portfolio construction that achieve specific client outcomes and risk targets, and has a global interest in post-retirement solutions and has had great experience in designing liability aware investment strategies for insurance and Defined Benefit Pension Funds. He previously spent 7 years with Russell Investments Group as Director of Consulting – Asia Pacific and ultimately as Director of Investment Strategy. In this former role, he was responsible for advising 2 Asian Sovereign Wealth Funds and designing their investment strategies to access capital markets outside of their local investment market. His experience in the United Kingdom included roles in manager research with investment consultant Lane Clark & Peacock and as Investment Analyst with Watson Wyatt. He holds a Master of Economics from the University of Cambridge and is a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries UK.
Brian Huckstep Portfolio Manager 2012 2019
Биография Brian Huckstep is a senior portfolio manager and co-head of target risk strategies for Morningstar’s Investment Management group. He focuses on the fund of funds product line. Huckstep is responsible for managing a team that delivers fund of funds programs for institutional and retail clients, which includes asset allocation modeling, portfolio construction, fund classification, and manager due diligence. He assumed the portfolio manager role in 2005. Huckstep has more than 20 years of industry experience. Coming to Morningstar in 2003 as a director of data acquisition, he managed the portfolio collection and quantitative analysis function for five international offices. Prior to Morningstar, Huckstep was a vice president at Northern Trust, where he spent nine years holding several positions, including portfolio analyst, analyst manager, and product manager working with plan sponsors. Before joining Northern Trust, he worked in commercial banking at Bank One. Huckstep holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Michigan and a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Chicago, Booth School of Business with concentrations in finance, strategy, and entrepreneurship. Huckstep also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation and is a member of the Investment Analysts Society of Chicago.
Carrie Scherkenbach Portfolio Manager 2007 2019
Биография Carrie Scherkenbach, Portfolio Manager. Mrs. Scherkenbach joined Morningstar Investment Management in 1999. Her responsibilities include the management of fund-of-funds clients across multiple financial intermediary segments. Mrs. Scherkenbach helps develop and manage multiple asset allocation solutions and strategies. In addition to conducting mutual fund research, Mrs. Scherkenbach performs asset allocation modeling, portfolio construction, and fund classification. Prior to joining Morningstar, Mrs. Scherkenbach was a portfolio representative at GE Capital Equipment Financing. Mrs. Scherkenbach holds a bachelor’s degree in finance from the University of Wisconsin.
Scott Wentsel Vice President, Senior Portfolio Manager 2007 2016
Биография Wentsel is a vice president and senior portfolio manager with Ibbotson Associates. Prior to joining Ibbotson in 2005, Wentsel was an executive director with Morgan Stanley. He has over 20 years of investment industry experience. Prior to that, he spent thirteen years with Scudder Kemper Investments with responsibilities in their mutual fund business. Wentsel holds the Chartered Financial Analyst and Certified Financial Planner designations.
Peng Chen Managing Director 2007 2012
Биография Chen is managing director and chief investment officer at Ibbotson. He joined Ibbotson in 1997. Chen holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
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