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Sandhurst Strategic Income Fund - Class B (0P0000Z1XL)

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1,053 0,000    0,05%
03/03 - Закрыт. Цена в AUD
Вид:  Фонд
Рынок:  Австралия
Эмитент:  Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited
ISIN:  AU60STL00444 
Класс активов:  Облигация
  • Рейтинг Morningstar:
  • Итого активов: 50,75M
Sandhurst Strategic Income Fund - Class B 1,053 0,000 0,05%

Обзор 0P0000Z1XL

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Australian Short Term Fixed Interest

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Адрес "Adelaide, SA 5000"
Bendigo,VIC 3552
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Название Заголовок Год До
Joseph Walsh - 2021 Сейчас
Биография Joseph joined Bendigo and Adelaide Bank in 2019 shortly after completing his undergraduate degree at the University of Adelaide where he studied a Bachelor of Commerce Degree (Major in Corporate Finance). He begun working in the Middle Office team which assisted the Business Banking Managers across Australia and their commercial portfolio of customers. Some of his primary responsibilities in this capacity included managing the end-to-end loan application process, financial analysis, security structuring and liaising with customers to ensure their needs were being addressed. Following this, he was provided an opportunity to transition to a Senior Associate role where he worked closely with two Senior Business Bankers. This role focused on preparing credit submissions for new lending and conducting scheduled reviews on existing customers of the bank. He joined the Sandhurst Income Funds team as an Investment Analyst in October 2021. He has also passed the final CFA exam and finished among the top 10% of candidates globally for both levels 1 and 2 (a granular score report is no longer provided for those who pass level 3). Joseph supports the operations of the two income funds and is responsible for reviewing counterparties. He has been able to leverage the skills gained in his prior roles with the bank as well as his teachings from his studies to provide credit analysis on new and existing investments.
Todd Bevan - 2021 Сейчас
Биография Todd was originally seconded as a Junior Analyst for the Sandhurst Income Funds in July 2021 and in April 2022 was appointed to the permanent role of Investment Analyst. His role involves analysing pool cuts for potential RMBS investments for the Income Funds as well as analysing data in relation to interest rate risk, liquidity, credit, and reporting on fund performance for the managed funds and reporting on these results through to various Committees. Todd is currently undertaking CFA Level I to accompany his Commerce degree, majoring in Corporate Finance which he obtained in 2019 from the University of Adelaide. Todd has been with the bank for over six years in a variety of different roles. After the completion of his degree, he obtained a permanent position in Business Banking as a Business Support Analyst. After two years in this role, he moved to Melbourne and became a Business Development Associate as a part of the Partner Assist team in Third Party Banking.
Blake Cetinich - 2018 Сейчас
Биография Blake joined the Bank as part of the Graduate Program in 2017 and the Team in 2018. As part of his Bachelor of Commerce degree, Blake has explored financial markets in Indonesia and Europe in the way of study tours and intensive courses. This has provided Blake with an understanding of the complexities between global markets and sparked an interest in capital markets specifically. During the Graduate program, Blake has undertaken roles in Credit, Partner Management, Finance and Treasury as well as Marketing to provide an extensive insight into the Bank and its varied functions. Blakes current role involves credit analysis and investigations, assessing issuers and stressing RMBS. Blake manages much of the secondary market trading for the Strategic Income Fund and Income Generation Fund. Prior to joining the team, Blake worked for SAI Global in their property division for 2 years working on various projects and facilitating property settlements.
Roger Coats - 2014 Сейчас
Биография Roger has worked in banking, finance and investment roles since 1987 with Merrill Lynch, ABN AMRO, Hambros and BNP Paribas prior to joining Sandhurst. Initially originating and syndicating Eurobond issues in London Roger also structured cross currency and interest rate swaps in Sydney where he expanded to originate and trade corporate bonds and domestic bank securities. In 1998 Roger was appointed Head of Capital Markets for Banque Nationale de Paris, the role provided oversight for teams involved in syndicated bank lending as well as bond and bank paper origination, trading and sales. As Chief Operations Officer, Roger has led companies through stock market listings, private equity and trade sales as well as venture capital raisings. Over the past five years Roger has advised a number of Financial Planning companies, which provided Roger with direct insight into customer and investor requirements. Roger completed the Governor’s Leadership Foundation program in 2012. His management experience, through a number of interest rate cycles, coupled with his credit skills, supported his appointment, in January 2014, as Portfolio Manager for the Sandhurst Strategic Income Fund where he reports to Thadeus McCrindle.
Thad McCrindle - 2011 Сейчас
Биография Thadeus has worked in investment roles for over 20 years with JP Morgan and Bendigo & Adelaide Bank. At JP Morgan he worked in a quantitative role modelling Derivatives, listed and unlisted assets. He joined the Bendigo & Adelaide Bank Group in 2005 working in structured finance. In 2006 this business launched a number of funds including a deep credit & enhanced cash funds and Thadeus moved into the funds management team for these funds. He performed credit analysis and managed the enhanced cash portfolio from that time. The GFC impacted investor appetite in some of these products but he continues to manage enhanced cash assets to present day. In 2010 Thadeus took on additional leadership responsibility across the multi-asset portfolios, Superannuation Investment Strategy and Estates & Charitable trust portfolio management. These functions involve manager selection, and portfolio construction, active asset allocation and capital markets research. Thadeus is a CFA charter holder, has a Bachelor of Finance from the University of Adelaide and a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment from FINSIA.
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