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Smallco Investment Fund (0P00007DHY)

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6,371 +0,040    +0,70%
03/03 - Закрыт. Цена в AUD
Вид:  Фонд
Рынок:  Австралия
Эмитент:  Smallco Investment Manager
ISIN:  AU60ASC00013 
Класс активов:  Акции
  • Рейтинг Morningstar:
  • Итого активов: 572,71M
Smallco Investment Fund 6,371 +0,040 +0,70%

Обзор 0P00007DHY

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Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend

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Адрес PO Box R718; Royal exchange
Sydney,NSW 1225
Телефон 1300 888 583


Название Заголовок Год До
Han Xu - 2018 Сейчас
Биография Han joined Smallco in November 2018. Han has over 11 years of experience as an equity analyst on the buy-side and sell-side in Australia. Before joining Smallco Han spent over 3 years at Ellerston Capital as the senior analyst in the emerging companies fund investing in AusNZ small caps. Prior to Ellerston Capital Han worked in equities research at UBS Australia as a top rated analyst and covered various sectors including infrastructure & utilities and emerging companies, as well as worked on a number of capital market transactions. Han spent over 7 years at UBS where he began his career as an intern/graduate and moved up to the rank of Director. During this time, Han also worked professionally with members of the Smallco team from both the sell-side and buy-side.
Adam Simpson - 2017 Сейчас
Биография Adam joined Smallco in July 2017 from Macquarie Group where he had been a Division Director and Head of Emerging Leaders Research. During his 15 years at Macquarie, Adam was a highly rated analyst responsible for all aspects of equities research in the emerging leaders sector. This included financial modelling and valuation analysis, assessment of industry fundamentals, management capabilities and involvement in numerous equity capital markets transactions. During his time at Macquarie, Adam worked with Andrew Hokin for 5 years and dealt professionally with Rob Hopkins and Bill Ryan over the 15 years. Adam has an MBA (Distinction) from London’s Cass Business School and a Bachelor of Veterinary Science (First Class Honours) from University of Queensland. Prior to Macquarie Adam practised as a Veterinarian for seven years in Australia and the UK.
Paul Graham - 2014 Сейчас
Биография Paul joined Smallco in June 2014. Paul has >20 years of experience as an equity analyst in Australia and the UK with majority of this time covering Australian small caps, including working Rob Hopkins and Bill Ryan in the late 1990’s. Paul has worked at a number of international investment banks including Citi, Credit Suisse, Nomura and HSBC (UK). Paul has Commerce (Hons) and Law degrees from the University of Queensland.
Andrew Hokin - 2007 Сейчас
Биография Andrew joined Smallco in July 2007 from Macquarie Bank where he was a Division Director and led the Banking sector research for Macquarie Securities. During more than 8 years with Macquarie Andrew was responsible for coverage of a range of sectors including small companies, diversified financials and developers, prior to moving into the Banking sector. During this time Andrew built a professional relationship with Rob and Bill, including working with Rob in Macquarie’s smaller companies team in 1999. Prior to Macquarie Andrew spent 5 years at Adelaide stockbroker Day Cutten where he gained research experience across a range of businesses, in particular utilities and property trusts. Andrew’s career started in 1992 at William M Mercer where he worked as an Actuarial Analyst for 2½ years.
Craig Miller - 2005 Сейчас
Биография Craig divides his time at Smallco between researching smaller companies and business management. As the “face” of Smallco he is available during business hours to discuss any relevant issues or to provide ongoing SIF and SBF updates. Prior to joining Smallco in June 2005 Craig was the head of the Tax division for GE Commercial for 3 years. Craig is a chartered accountant and spent 7 years with Ernst & Young in the Taxation, Audit and Business Services divisions prior to GE. Leading a relatively active life Craig also played water polo for Australia for a period of 13 years which included the Sydney and Athens Olympic Games.
Rob Hopkins - 2000 Сейчас
Биография Rob jointly founded Smallco in 2000 and currently spends his time focused on smaller companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. Prior to Smallco Rob had been specialising in small companies since 1994 and was the head of small company research at Macquarie Equities, BT Alex Brown, ANZ Securities and Macintosh. With a continuous career in the Australian investment industry since 1985 Rob was a Senior Industrial Analyst at Potts West Trumbull & Company, the General Manager for Australian Equities with Chase Corporation and an analyst with Potter Partners. Rob began his working life as a civil engineer, principally in construction and project management. This included five years in Saudi Arabia where Rob also completed an MBA through the University of Oklahoma, USA.
Bill Ryan - 2000 Сейчас
Биография Bill and Rob first worked together at ANZ Securities in 1996 within the small company research team. In 2000 Bill and Rob jointly founded Smallco and currently spends his time focused on smaller companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. Bill was awarded the University Medal for Academic Achievement from the University of Western Sydney in 1995 after completing his Bachelor of Commerce with Distinction. Bill began his working life in the early 1980s owning, developing and managing agricultural businesses which involved understanding asset valuations, working capital management and general accounting. Whilst not the ‘traditional’ background of an investment manager it has proven to be a key advantage in his career as a small company analyst.
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