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Skerryvore Global Emerging Markets All-cap (LP65039650)

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0,769 -0,004    -0,56%
28/02 - Закрыт. Цена в AUD
Вид:  Фонд
Рынок:  Австралия
Эмитент:  Commonwealth/Colonial Group
ISIN:  AU60FSF08893 
Класс активов:  Акции
  • Рейтинг Morningstar:
  • Итого активов: 78,04M
FirstChoice WS Inv - FirstChoice WS Asian Share 0,769 -0,004 -0,56%

Обзор LP65039650

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Equity Asia Pacific w/o Japan

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Адрес South Buidling 11 Harbour St Sydney
Sydney,NSW 2001
Телефон 13 13 36
Факс +61 02 9303 3200


Название Заголовок Год До
Glen Finegan Head 2024 Сейчас
Биография Glen is the Lead Portfolio Manager and a Co-Managing Partner at Skerryvore, which he established in partnership with BennBridge in 2019. Prior to Skerryvore Asset Management, Glen was the Head of Global Emerging Market Equities at Janus Henderson from January 2015 to May 2019. Glen began his investment career in 2001 at First State Stewart (formerly First State Investments). At First State Stewart, Glen was a lead portfolio manager on several strategies including - Frontier, All Cap and Leaders portfolios. Glen holds a BEng (Hons) in civil engineering and an MSc in oceanography, both from the University of Southampton.
Ian Tabberer Portfolio Manager 2024 Сейчас
Биография "Ian Tabberer is a Portfolio Manager on the Global Emerging Market Equities Team at Janus Henderson Investors. He joined Henderson in 2015 as an investment manager for Global Equities and in 2017 transferred to the Global Emerging Market Equities Team. Prior to Henderson, Ian worked at Baillie Gifford and Scottish Widows Investment Partnership, where his investment career began as a North American and global investor. Before entering the investment industry, he was a Submarine Warfare Officer in the Royal Navy. Ian holds a bachelor of science degree (Hons) in geography. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and has 17 years of financial industry experience."
Stephen Deane Portfolio Manager 2024 Сейчас
Биография Prior to Skerryvore, Stephen was a portfolio manager within the Janus Henderson Global Emerging Markets Equities team from 2016 to 2019. Stephen started his investment career in 2008 working as an investment analyst at First State Stewart (formerly First State Investments) before becoming co-manager on their global equity funds. He started his career with Accenture, where he worked on developing strategy for clients primarily in the technology, media and telecommunications industries. Stephen holds a BA(Hons) degree in psychology from Trinity College, Dublin and an executive MBA from INSEAD, Paris.
Ronan Kelleher Portfolio Manager 2024 Сейчас
Биография "Ronan Kelleher is a Portfolio Manager on the UK-based Global Equities Team at Janus Henderson Investors. He was appointed co-manager of a UK-domiciled global equities portfolio in 2016 after serving as the co-manager of its offshore counterpart since 2015. Ronan joined Henderson in 2011, initially working as a portfolio manager assistant in the Edinburgh office before becoming an investment analyst in 2012 and an associate portfolio manager in 2015. Prior to Henderson, he worked at SIG in Dublin, Ireland, as an operations associate. Ronan received a BSc degree (Hons) in finance from University College Cork in Ireland and an MSc in finance and investment from the University of Edinburgh. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and has 10 years of financial industry experience."
Michael Cahoon Portfolio Manager 2024 Сейчас
Биография Prior to Skerryvore, Mike was a portfolio manager within the Janus Henderson Global Emerging Markets Equities team from 2015 to 2019. Mike began his career as an analyst at Ashmore Group, an emerging markets asset manager. While there he served as a member of the frontier markets team covering Africa, as well as global metals and mining. He graduated with honours from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst with a bachelor’s degree in business administration in finance and operations management with a dual concentration in legal studies. Mike holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
Nicholas Cowley Portfolio Manager 2024 Сейчас
Биография Prior to Skerryvore, Nick was a portfolio manager within the Janus Henderson Global Emerging Markets Equities team from 2015. Nick joined Henderson in 2004 as a fund manager for North American equities and transitioned to emerging markets in 2012. He began his career at Chiswell Associates as a trainee fund manager for overseas equities prior to being promoted to a fund manager for US equities. Nick earned a BSc (Hons) in computer science and mathematics from York University and an MSc in business finance from Brunel University. He holds the Institute of Investment Management & Research qualification.
Jonathan Armitage - 2022 2024
Биография "Jonathan is a highly regarded investments executive with nearly 30 years of global experience, having worked in Australia, the United Kingdom and United States. He has a strong reputation as a leader in asset management. Most recently Jonathan was the Chief Investment Officer and General Manager of Asset Management at MLC. His responsibilities included managing multi-asset diversified funds, fixed income, private equity and alternative capabilities. He joined MLC in August 2011 as Head of Global Equities, before becoming Head of Equities in December 2011 and being appointed Chief Investment Officer in March 2013. Prior to MLC, Jonathan spent 20 years at Schroders, where he held roles including Head of US Equities and Deputy Head of Global Equities. As Chief Investment Officer, Jonathan will lead the Investments Team to expand our investment capabilities and bring a dynamic and agile approach to anticipating emerging issues and market opportunities."
Ben Lam - 2016 2024
Биография "Ben joined the Colonial First State FirstChoice Investments team in May 2016.   Primarily, Ben has responsibility for undertaking research and providing advice in relation to manager selection and portfolio management of the FirstChoice Australian Share, Australian Small Companies, Australian Property Securities, Global Property Securities and Global Infrastructure Securities portfolios.   Previously, Ben was a Senior Analyst in the Investment and Research Governance team at BT. From 2007 to 2015, Ben was a consultant and Manager researcher at Mercer Investments.  In his role at Mercer, Ben had dual responsibilities as an investment consultant and member of the Real Estate boutique, as lead researcher for Australian Direct property, back-up researcher for REIT’s and consultant to clients on their property portfolios.   Ben holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree, majoring in Accounting & Finance from University of New South Wales. He also completed the Certified Investment Management Analyst Program in 2010"
Andrew Howlett - 2007 2024
Биография "Andrew joined the Colonial First State Investments team in March 2002 following the merger of Colonial First State and Commonwealth Investment Management. Andrew is the Investment Manager for Colonial First State’s Global equity portfolios. He is responsible for manager research and portfolio construction for Global Equities, including Emerging Markets and Asian Shares. Andrew was previously involved in research and management of several asset class portfolios, including the development and management of Alternatives Portfolio, and manager selection and portfolio management for the Global Property and Infrastructure portfolios. Andrew commenced work with William M Mercer Investment Consulting in February 1998 as an Actuarial Analyst, moving to Commonwealth fund services in November 1999 as a Senior Performance Analyst and then to Commonwealth Investment Management in October 2001 as a Quantitative Analyst. Andrew holds a Bachelor of Economics degree, majoring in Actuarial Studies and Finance. In 2010, he completed the Certified Investment Management Analyst Program."
Peter Dymond - 2007 2023
Биография Peter Dymond joined the Colonial First State FirstChoice Investments Team in March 2002 following the merger of Colonial First State and Commonwealth Investment Management. His current role as Senior Investment Manager has responsibility for the provision of advice and selection and ongoing monitoring of external fund managers for FirstChoice. Peter also has responsibility for ensuring that the research process is maintained and focussed. From May 2001 until March 2002, Peter was employed by Commonwealth Investment Management in the position of Portfolio Manager, Implemented Advice. Peter moved into this role from Commonwealth Financial Services, where he was the Head of the Superannuation and Retirement Income Product Management teams since 1999. This role included responsibility for a range of multi manager funds. Prior to joining the Commonwealth Group in 1997, Peter gained extensive experience in the management and distribution of retail and corporate financial products through Product Management, Marketing, Technical, Customer Service and Administrative roles with GIO (two years), Connelly Temple (two years) and National Mutual (five years).
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